Por MusicRadar's . . .
81. Pink Floyd performed under various monikers in their early years, including Tea Set, Sigma 6, The Screaming Abdabs and Leonard's Lodgers (after their landlord Mike Leonard – unconnected with MusicRadar Editor of the same name).
82. Johnny Cash's estate was approached by an advertising company asking for permission to use Ring Of Fire on an ad for haemorrhoid cream. The request was refused.
83. The longest-held recorded instance of the word "c*nt" appears in Oceansize's Sleeping Dogs And Dead Lions. Incredibly, Oceansize are not a death metal band.
86. Prog rockers Emerson Lake And Palmer knew how to tour. In 1977, they had 63 roadies, including a karate instructor for drummer Carl Palmer and the band's own doctor. It's rumoured they also had a 'carpet roadie', whose job was to transport and sweep the Persian rug that Greg Lake stood on during the shows. A 70 piece orchestra joined that lot.
87. Axl Rose used to earn $8 an hour for smoking cigarettes, for a science experiment at California's UCLA.
88. Prince played 27 different instruments on his debut album For You.
89. In an official PR biography, Martial arts actor Steven Segal once claimed to have played guitar with John Lennon. Why? How? When? Further details from Segal are 'sketchy'.
90. Keith Richards' preferred tipple is vodka (2 measures) with Sunkist orange soda (1 measure), plus ice. He calls this refreshing drink Nuclear Waste.
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